KOMPAS.com - beautiful feeling for a woman is practically a necessity. Although not a few others will reject or deny it. "Of all the twelve years I became a psychologist, I heard many times curhatan women. Basically, in your heart, if you really want honest honestly, every woman would want to feel beautiful, both from within, is also recognized that she was beautiful, "explains Ruth Abraham, a psychologist, at the launch Pond's Gold Radiance, in Pondok Indah Mall, some time ago.
Because it is instrumental in the shaping, according to Ruth, there are fears for a woman to grow old. Because beauty is always associated with young age. "If it was no longer young, you could say 'baseball exist' anymore. Hence it is also a lot of women who gave a huge effort to get back pretty like a young man," said Ruth. "Not surprisingly, women are always trying to maintain the light skin of her face a little longer because the skin is radiant face is the window appearance every woman."
Then, what is the link between beauty with these needs? Further discussed by Ruth, the woman with a glowing radiance facial skin will look more positive, confident, and continues to demonstrate its potential. Automatically, this will open up many opportunities for women to come forward and show their potential.
However, Ruth regretted if anyone believes that in order to feel beautiful means must always look young. Ruth believed, every age has its own beauty. It is undeniable, to be seen still beautiful at any age, it takes investment. Investment in the sense of using skin care products appropriate for that age, are also investing time and thought to determine the diet and healthy lifestyle.
"At a young age, a person has certain traits. Entering adulthood, the age of ripe and ripe, the taste and beauty is different too. Therefore, we need to realize, that every person at different ages have different radiant beauty. The What is important is to maintain the existing order to stay fit, both from within and from outside, "explained Ruth. "When we keep the beauty and feel beautiful, we will feel confident, that way, would be more productive. It should be added also, that women of mature age, tend to be more calm, and mature-minded, this will also be a positive opportunity for women, "the lid.
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