In Indonesia, the product comes through PT Multifortuna Sinardelta. At the product launch in the Decanter Wine House, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Tuesday (07/13/2010) then, Lifestyle Manager Multifortuna Sinardelta Janki Cahyadi say they are confident the product will be difficult to duplicate.

Microwobble technology board at the sole slippers are not easily replicable product. Perhaps the size, shape, model, and high-sole can be imitated. However, no benefits, because the technology microwobble board is made in the mechanical technology to strengthen leg muscles while walking, said Janki.
He explained that the FitFlop footwear created Marcia Kilgore, the former personal trainer and entrepreneur Bliss Spa Chain, along with two colleagues, Dr. David Cook and Darren James from London South Bank University. They make products that make the legs are not in pain when on the move.
Moreover, Marcia Kilgore know a lot of women have cellulite and complain less good posture because too often wearing high heels. Shoes thus making pubic bone forward, so that over time causes spinal pain. Not to mention the knees and feet.
FitFlop sandals help improve the working leg muscles, calves and gluteal. Also, it can improve posture and resembles the workings of walking barefoot, but with muscle strength. Sandals are making the entire body of a comfortable and far from tired when walking.
FitFlop has a lot of color options and models, said Young Kim, General Manager of PT Multifortuna Sinardelta Fashion Division.
In Indonesia, one of the loyal users FitFlop is Cathy Sharon. This artist knows these sandals when invited to Brunei Darussalam. "The royal family gave me a pair. They say that the product is easy to use. In addition, the doctor forbade me from wearing high heels again because now my back pain. Back pain is related to my favorite high-heeled shoes when working," he said.
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