World Cup trophy, which had stopped in Jakarta last January, has landed on earth, South Africa (South Africa), Thursday (6 / 5) then. Once in the host country of World Cup 2010, after several months traveling the world, the trophy was taken directly FIFA officials and the local organizing committee before the leaders and elders of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. "For us, this trophy is not possible after landing in this country if not submitted prior to Mandela," said FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke said in a written statement, sent to the media, including my email.
"Mandela is one of the architects of the World Cup (2010)," Valcke said. According to reports the Associated Press news agency journalist in Johannesburg, the World Cup trophy handover took place was closed and was not witnessed by reporters or photographers. However, later released a photograph dihadapkannya FIFA World Cup trophy in front of Mandela to the media, including my email. Looking back, I try to download photos by photographer Debbie Yazbek credits from Nelson Mandela Foundation.
There were two photos, as can the reader see the following:
One thing that makes me a little jolt of the photograph is used Mandela's batik shirt. As we can see, clothing is so typical of Indonesian batik. Batik usual we meet, we usually see in Indonesia. "" Indonesian, gitu loh .... "I became intrigued, from which approximately batik clothes Mandela get it?
I asked senior colleagues about it and showed her the photo. Senior colleagues were also getting the same impression that the style of batik in Indonesia so characteristic Mandela shirt. He explained that South Africa also has the tradition of batik, which in terms similar to the tradition of making batik in Indonesia. Moreover, historically there is linkage between South Africa and Indonesia.
In the Dutch colonial era, many Indonesian citizens employed as slaves by the Dutch in Cape Town, South Africa. Until now, there are still traces of that history in Cape Town. A pamandu when I visited South Africa to attend and cover the Castrol Confederations Cup last year explained, the word "banana" had already become citizens of Cape Town's local language referring to the name of the fruit. And it is common knowledge, there is a great scholar from Indonesia who lived and died and was buried in South Africa, namely Sheikh Yusuf Al-Makassari.
From the convergence of history, it is quite natural if the batik tradition alive in South Africa as well as senior colleagues described earlier. Still, if you see batik clothes Mandela, batik is so thick its Indonesian style. (Hopefully we are not being "Ge'er") So, where's Mandela get batik clothes? This is the riddle behind the landing of the World Cup in South Africa, the trophy which will be contested 32 countries a month away.
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