Yup, not all styles of Carrie's clothes can be worn by ordinary people, even people in New York though. This woman was reported to always dare to take risks with his fashion choices. In other words, his appearance could be managed, can also failed miserably. He could combine with designer clothes cheap clothing obtained from the flea market. He can look chic, sexy, or even nyeleneh.
Here's Carrie style you should not need to follow:
1. Showing off belly
Unless you have a slim stomach belongs to Carrie, her style may be tried alone on this one. Even so, if possible, do not be brave enough to mimic the way these dresses when you go to a mall or a reunion with friends from high school. Wear when you're traveling to the island of Mauritius, Palau, or, when no one cares what you wear. However, it is worth it just showing off belly teen ABG, or those who do not realize the era of the 90s had passed.
2. Show off the bra
Show off the bra, whether it's just a bra strap, bra hooks, or part of his cup, I really do not deserve an appearance that indicated a woman. Carrie is indeed a classic style, but you can only imitate it when you wear clothes or aerobic gymnastics, where most of the costume was a tank top. Better, diverting people's attention on your shoes or accessories.
3. Shorts
Wearing shorts are often worn by women at the mall or the local tourist attractions. But shorts with high waist, only Carrie could wear them. In real life, SJP did not senekad it (wearing high-waisted shorts). Pants like these will not protect your body part which is less perfect, and instead menonjolkannya.
4. Head accessories
Wearing hair accessories do we usually do. Call it a headband, bandana, barrette, or hair tie. But such accessories seem less challenging to Carrie. These figures often feature accessories for the hair in a Sex and the City, whether decorative flowers, hats, headbands, and many others.
5th. Stilettos and sportswear
Convenience is not the main purpose of Carrie in choosing shoes, but how do I make her legs look more level. This is certainly tolerable, but not when he wore a sweater or sports clothes. Both these items will not be charged for an event matching or any situation.
6. Colorful
Wearing colorful clothing is necessary, but combines more than two colors seems a bit excessive. No matter though clothing is a collection of Chanel or the output of other designers, need not take the risk of wear. Moreover, wearing knee-length socks are colorful.
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