1. Despite the captivating textures and clipping this season, still do trimming every month in addition to reaching hydrating conditioner to provide extra humidity.
2. Color palettes can certainly change the style of totality. You can choose warm shades like sunkissed golden brown or copper. News flash for you ladies! Johnny Andrean recently gave a similar color options with the charming nuances gradation. But if that thought in your mind this time is highlighted, then you are mistaken. Because this time, the technique used is the use of derivatives of two to three series of color on the crown in every area of the layer your hair! This can be seen clearly when you brushed your hair under the reflection of light especially when arranging any form ponytail or up do the enchanting. Interested? Just pick a feel of Hot Mahogany, Summer Sunset Brown until Brown and never forget a special shampoo and conditioner to hair after treatment is yes!
3. Protect hair from sun exposure with an intensive mask that contains more protein to lock moisture.
4. The heat makes hair look frizzy? Control terror nightmare bad hair day with a special anti-frizz serum. (Cosmo / bee)
Source: Cosmopolitan, July 2009, 114 pages
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