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Queen Cleopatra And Her Passion For Emeralds

Posted by I Love Fashion on Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt started the world's love affair with emeralds during her reign between 69 BC and 30 BC. The emerald was her preferred jewel and she was known to adorn herself with them continuously.

Cleopatra introduced a fashion trend to the known world at the time which has continued uninterrupted to the present-day. The rich and famous throughout history have keenly sought them and continue to do so.

The emerald has never been out of favour, a fact that is supported in more recent times by emerald devotees including the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, Elizabeth Taylor, Marlene Dietrich and even Napoleon Bonaparte who chose them for his empress, Josephine. But it is Cleopatra to whom one must look as the champion of the emerald.

No emeralds belonging to this legendary queen have survived but she is known to have been completely captivated by them and historical accounts exist of her being draped in emerald encrusted mantles on occasions. The famous Emerald mines of Egypt, located in the hills inland from the Red Sea in Egypt's eastern desert region, were owned by Cleopatra.

It was never an easy task for the ancient miners who braved extreme heat, scorpions and snakes to search for the 'green fire.' Visiting dignitaries and diplomats from beyond Egypt's borders at that time were often favoured with gifts of emeralds by Cleopatra during their visits.

This precious gemstone belongs to the gemstone family of beryl. Other well-known members of this family are aquamarine, morganite and heliodor. Pure beryl is colorless in the emerald and the green color occurs only when chromium or vanadium are present.

Apart from the fascinating association with Cleopatra what is it that makes the emerald such a romantic stone?

In ancient history it was associated with the goddess Venus - the goddess of beauty and love which gave it a headstart in the popularity stakes apart from anything else. Emeralds are much rarer than diamonds and only suitors of enormous wealth could bestow so priceless a gift on a lady.

It is the birthstone for the month of May and the anniversary gemstone for the 20th and 35th year of marriage. This explains why a gift of emerald on these occasions is considered very appropriate.

Symbolizing the renewing cycle of life and of springtime, the intense brilliant green of the emerald  secures its symbolic status in many of the world's cultures and religions. Christianity for example regards it as the most significant of the liturgical colors being a symbol of faith, hope and resurrection.

It is the color of nature, fertility and life. A field of green grass is the most restful color to the eye in nature.  Green is a universally recognised color symbol around the world to represent safety. It is used widely in the corporate world as a branding color. George Washington, the first President of the United States favoured it above all other colors.

But maybe 17th century Spanish priest, writer, poet and dramatist, Pedro Calderon de la Barca put it more succinctly, "Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises."

The emerald when cut, polished and faceted has the most fabulous brilliance and depth which draws the human eye like bees to a honeypot. It's place alongside the diamond as the most preferred jewel is well justified.

But don't expect these beauties with the clearest surface and vibrant colors to come with a 'bargain-basement' sales tag. Because of their rarity, are usually more valuable than a diamond of similar carat weight.

Becoming the purchaser or giver of such a rare treasure can set you back serious money unless like Cleopatra you have an interest in an emerald mine or two. But don't despair just yet since there is a way around that.
More aboutQueen Cleopatra And Her Passion For Emeralds

The Minimalist Lifestyle For Divorced Women

Posted by I Love Fashion on Thursday, September 16, 2010

Are you a woman going through a divorce? Do you feel completely overwhelmed with the enormity of the change your life is about to take? A divorce is difficult for both parties involved, but much more so for women, since we are such emotional creatures.

If you initiated the divorce you won't want to keep reminders around of your married life. If the divorce was not of your choosing, then the mementos and keepsakes of your married life will be very painful reminders of what you've lost. In either case, you will sell or give away items you acquired in your married life. If you own a home, you may initially plan to stay there. However as time passes the memories may be too much to bear.

Even though a divorce is one of the most difficult things to experience, it is possible to put a positive spin on it! How you look at it depends on whether you see your glass half-full or half-empty. You have an opportunity to reinvent yourself, try new things, and step out of your comfort zone. If you haven't seen the movie, "Eat, Pray, Love", do so. This true story will inspire you, and give you the courage to explore all the possibilities that your life can be.

Once the divorce is final, what comes next? What a fantastic opportunity to try a new lifestyle? Have you considered a Minimalist lifestyle? What is this lifestyle? It's about living life on your own terms, doing only the things you want and like to do, and living the life of your dreams. It's about deciding what your priorities are, and pursuing them with a passion. It's about reducing the stress and clutter and living a simpler but much happier life.
More aboutThe Minimalist Lifestyle For Divorced Women

Tips For Planning a Girl's Night Out

Posted by I Love Fashion on Thursday, September 16, 2010

What is life when there is not fun in it? Nobody enjoys life when all they do is sit in their house and watch television all day long. There is more to life I always say. There is fun, adventure, travel and lots of laughter. The bright and beautiful world out there needs somebody to explore it to the fullest and who better than a bunch of girls with lots in common that does not just stop at making tea and gossips.

A true girls' night out should not be anything regular. It should go beyond chatting and ogling after stunning guys in fitted jeans and shiny hair. It goes beyond how cute someone's lips are or how sexy a guy looks from the rear.
A true girls' night out should be planned on what interests each girl in the group and they all can work together to fit all their interests into one night without overdoing it.

I will provide you with two simple tips that I know.

The first of the two tips is to decide on a theme to go with. It is very fun to include a theme and go with it. A theme makes everything fall into place and everybody knows what and what not to bring in. the group should decide on a theme that fits everyone and then individual person should include an activity that falls under the theme without being too much.

A costume party could be fun with a mean twist that makes it unique. It should be far from being a regular dressing up routine. The girls' should be creative and go for something extra-ordinary like maybe twenty years before kind of thing. This is when all the girls shave their age by twenty years. They put on what makes hot and sizzling twenty years ago and pick a favorite spot where they used to hang out the most back then. What will make it more interesting are the known faces that might still be around which now adds to the fun.

The bottom-line of this is to go crazy while having fun. Some might feel funny and awkward but that is the point. Go wild, go crazy just have fun for goodness sake.

The second tip is to stick to the plan. I know that most girls' night out end up with each girl going home at different times. That is not so good in my own book of rules. You should stick together unless the deal is to go home separately. It is much more fun to escort each person home. No girl; should go with the handsome dude without asking the others first and what they say should go. Have fun with the guys at the rendezvous but do not leave with any. It is a girls' night out after all and not a guy-pick-a-girl night out.
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